this is my second entry on this issue. and yes this issue is something i take seriously and will try to explain as much as i could. just heard this morning over the radio that a baby was found floating in Sg Klang. well, just one line of that unfortunate baby was mentioned in the news. how life has become so cheap....too sad.
A study was carried out by the Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia on people who visit online sex sites discover that they have "alarmingly high" rates of depression, anxiety and stress. More than 27 percent of them were moderate to severely depressed on the standard scales. Another 30 percent had high levels of anxiety and 35 per cent were moderately to severely stressed. Apparently the more they engaged in online sexual activity, the higher their level of depression and anxiety was.
ha tak depressed macam mana nyer....yer la dok tgk sex sana sini tapi nak buat tak dapat. it is exactly the situation kat malaysia ni ha. takyah bukak tv or masuk internet pun, beli je newspaper especially kosmo atau harian metro tu. tak abis2 pasal seks....nak jual paper punya pasal, everyday punya headline tajuk kat cover depan tu mesti pasal seks. then kat tv lak ada rancangan polis tu 999, tak abis2 pasal pelacuran. ye la tu yg org suka tgk, ha tu la diorang dok tayang ulang2.
i totally understand why people are depressed sexually in malaysia. ye la nak buat, tak dapat, tak boleh. larangan agama la, undang2, budaya etc. tapi ari2 kat mana2 dok kena suap ngan seks. lama2 of course la orang jadi depressed. tengok je tapi tak dapat buat. letih la kan. last2 rogol anak, rogol cucu, sex luar nikah, buang bayi, etc....
i mean u have to choose la nak apa. kalau betul2 taknak society kita ni jadi sexually liberal, then u have to control our access to sex ni. kena betul2 censor the internet, the media tv newspapers magazine etc. jgn bagi org senang2 nak dapat akses kepada sex content. bila org tak dapat nak akses kepada benda2 seks ni, then kepala otak diorang takde la pikir nak buat seks. tapi kalau betul nak jadi liberal and open, ha then kena la educate the people the right ways to do thing, kena la ajar sex education kat teenagers tu, so takde la diorang nak mengandung anak luar nikah bagai....
i think malaysia ni ada dilema la. sexual dilemma.....nak jadi open, nak jadi liberal, nak jadi negara maju tapi at the same time nak preserve our traditional ways of life, our religion, our values of the society. nak buat dua2 tu at the same time. tapi masalahnya kena la cari the right balance because you cannot have both. mana boleh nak jadi liberal tapi at the same time nak jaga agama n budaya.
rasa macam nak buat appointment dgn menteri shahrizat jalil je. nak bagi briefing sket kat kementerian pembangunan wanita dan masyarakat tu. tapi nak ke dia layan aku huhu. emmm takpe la aku antar dia emel je la share my thoughts, that is the best i could do. ok la enuf of this subject matter. macam dah panjang sgt plak rasa sampai dua entry. ok til next time.
c ya.
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