ada dua cerita kat paper ari ni yg membuatkan kepala otak ni berpikir.....apa la nak jadi ngan malaysia ni. dua berita tersebut adalah:
ada dua cerita kat paper ari ni yg membuatkan kepala otak ni berpikir.....apa la nak jadi ngan malaysia ni. dua berita tersebut adalah:
1. seorang penoreh getah dihukum penjara 13 tahun kerana bersalah meliwat anaknya yg ketika itu baru berumur 9 tahun.
2. seorang gadis sekolah menengah berumur 16 tahun melahirkan anak luar nikah di dalam tandas di sebuah klinik di terengganu.
citer2 pasal seks kat malaysia ni mcm dah jadi satu norm pulak, benda biasa....and i think that is very worrying. we should really sit down and study this thing, why this things like rogol, mengandung luar nikah, seks rambang, buang bayi, lesbian, gay, bapa rogol anak, datuk rogol cucu, ehh macam2 lagi la....
kita kena seriously kaji benda ni. kenapa benda ni berlaku, kenapa benda ni semakin menjadi serius. apa patut kita buat to stop this....we can't let this continue ruining our society. imagine apa akan jadi pada mereka semua ni. yg kena rogol akan trauma the whole life, yg merogol pulak kena penjara sah2 la makin rosak berkawan ngan segala bentuk penjenayah dalam tu, yg mengandung anak luar nikah pula kena buang family, etc etc etc....segala bentuk masalah sosial la akan terus meningkat......
to me, what is happening in our country can be called as "sexual depression". it refers to a situation bila seseorang tu tak dapat seks because of certain reasons and they get depressed. in the end, they will break the law and end up doing stupid things like rogol anak sendiri.
ye la kat malaysia ni seks adalah mudah sgt untuk dapat. masuk je internet tu ha, cari jer macam2 ada. yg melayu, yg omputih, sumer ada. kat televisyen kita pun sama gak, dok tayang pompuan2 seksi, scene bercinta bercium bagai mcm dah takde censor, handphone pulak la ni dah canggih2. macam2 video and gambar seks org dok mms and kongsi. so u see, sex is so easy to find.
tetapi at the same time, kita ni dilarang oleh agama, oleh budaya, oleh undang2 untuk buat sesuka ati. nak sex, well u have to get married. sex luar nikah sebelum kawin tu sah2 la tak boleh. not acceptable in our society, or even allowed by the religion. gay, lesbian no no no out of question.
tapi tak pelik ke. makin kita larang, makin banyak dan makin berleluasa pulak benda2 ni berlaku. something must be wrong somewhere. this is what i mean by "sexual depression". our society is sexually depressed. sex is put upon their face 24/7, it's easily available and accessible in malaysia. but you can only see, but you cannot take part. of course la people will get depressed. tengok je tapi tak dapat. of course la lambat laun they will be tempted. and we end up with all these problems i.e. rogol, sex luar nikah, etc....
aku nak sambung lagi pasal benda ni tapi mata dah ngantuk. i will try to say more about this in my next entry. ok la til next time.
c ya.
tapi tak pelik ke. makin kita larang, makin banyak dan makin berleluasa pulak benda2 ni berlaku. something must be wrong somewhere. this is what i mean by "sexual depression". our society is sexually depressed. sex is put upon their face 24/7, it's easily available and accessible in malaysia. but you can only see, but you cannot take part. of course la people will get depressed. tengok je tapi tak dapat. of course la lambat laun they will be tempted. and we end up with all these problems i.e. rogol, sex luar nikah, etc....
aku nak sambung lagi pasal benda ni tapi mata dah ngantuk. i will try to say more about this in my next entry. ok la til next time.
c ya.
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