baru sat ni baca one article kat thestar online pasal "creating awareness on sex"....ada one talk on sex awareness campaign was held by HELP communications students.....i would like to applaud such fact, i would like to call for more awareness campaigns on sex....i think this is very important especially in light of all the 'babies dumping' cases that have 'strangely' become the norm in our society....
let's face it....we do not want to talk about sex because we feel that the issue is taboo and we should not talk about it openly....but whether we like it or not, people are having sex out there, in particular the teenagers who don't really understand sex, what is right or wrong.... so following their wild hormones and influenced by all the sex stuffs freely available on the internet, they will do sex at their own risk and way....kalau tak percaya, pegi la buat poll kat luar tu tgk baper ramai teenagers yg masih lagi virgin....don't get surprise i can bet u that our teenagers dah sexually active once they reach 15 years old....
so why don't we at least tell them what is right and wrong when it comes to sex....we should explain about safe sex, about pregnancy, about HIV, about STD, etc etc etc.... and of course, in doing this, we should also include the religious views especially about sex outside marriage and sex abstinence......
im not sure about other countries tapi rasa mcm jarang dengar pasal buang2 bayi ni kat negara lain....tapi kan org2 yg buang baby ni tak rasa apa2 ke ek....tak kesian ker....kalau taknak baby, ha pakai la kondom ker makan pil ker apa....tak pun gugurkan jer ker...jgn la sampai jadi baby.....takpun jgn main langsung, tunggu kawin dulu....tak takot dosa ker isk.... baby ni tanggungjawab, bukan boleh nak buang2 mcm tu jer.... i am so worried that this buang baby thing is becoming an accepted thing in our country.....gosh that is scary!
anyway, i would like to quote Mr. Franz Joseph von Hofter, lecturer from HELP institute who said "Repressed sexuality tends to build up and manifests as social ills in society..."....i totally second this.....our society in particular the teenagers are being served and exposed to all kind of sex contents over the television, internet and so on......of course they will get influenced and horny and would want to try.....but at the same time, our religion and society forbid sex before marriage, so there is thing confusion and dilemma....we see sex everywhere, but we cannot do how weird is that?.....
i mean seriously the authorities have got to do something about this....kalau betul2 taknak org buat sex, then stop making sex easily accessible to the public....kalau tak kesah org buat sex, then do it correctly, bagi explanation, sex education and so taklah sampai org dok buang2 anak sana sini....its sickening.....its wrong and its embarassing to the outside world....
pelik kan isn't it....macam ada tak org rule the country pun tak tau., mcm jadi ntah apa2....org2 yg sepatutnya rule the country sebuk nak berpolitik tak abis2....society jadi ntah apa2....yg jadi mangsa sapa lagi kalau bukan the society, the same teenagers yg sepatutnya menjadi the future leaders of the country. aiyoooo pening pening.....ok la malas nak pikir tapi tolong la cepat2kan sikit find solutions to this problem kay....dah terlalu serius.....
ok la jumpe lagi next time....c ya....
baru sat ni baca one article kat thestar online pasal "creating awareness on sex"....ada one talk on sex awareness campaign was held by HELP communications students.....i would like to applaud such fact, i would like to call for more awareness campaigns on sex....i think this is very important especially in light of all the 'babies dumping' cases that have 'strangely' become the norm in our society....
let's face it....we do not want to talk about sex because we feel that the issue is taboo and we should not talk about it openly....but whether we like it or not, people are having sex out there, in particular the teenagers who don't really understand sex, what is right or wrong.... so following their wild hormones and influenced by all the sex stuffs freely available on the internet, they will do sex at their own risk and way....kalau tak percaya, pegi la buat poll kat luar tu tgk baper ramai teenagers yg masih lagi virgin....don't get surprise i can bet u that our teenagers dah sexually active once they reach 15 years old....
so why don't we at least tell them what is right and wrong when it comes to sex....we should explain about safe sex, about pregnancy, about HIV, about STD, etc etc etc.... and of course, in doing this, we should also include the religious views especially about sex outside marriage and sex abstinence......
im not sure about other countries tapi rasa mcm jarang dengar pasal buang2 bayi ni kat negara lain....tapi kan org2 yg buang baby ni tak rasa apa2 ke ek....tak kesian ker....kalau taknak baby, ha pakai la kondom ker makan pil ker apa....tak pun gugurkan jer ker...jgn la sampai jadi baby.....takpun jgn main langsung, tunggu kawin dulu....tak takot dosa ker isk.... baby ni tanggungjawab, bukan boleh nak buang2 mcm tu jer.... i am so worried that this buang baby thing is becoming an accepted thing in our country.....gosh that is scary!
anyway, i would like to quote Mr. Franz Joseph von Hofter, lecturer from HELP institute who said "Repressed sexuality tends to build up and manifests as social ills in society..."....i totally second this.....our society in particular the teenagers are being served and exposed to all kind of sex contents over the television, internet and so on......of course they will get influenced and horny and would want to try.....but at the same time, our religion and society forbid sex before marriage, so there is thing confusion and dilemma....we see sex everywhere, but we cannot do how weird is that?.....
i mean seriously the authorities have got to do something about this....kalau betul2 taknak org buat sex, then stop making sex easily accessible to the public....kalau tak kesah org buat sex, then do it correctly, bagi explanation, sex education and so taklah sampai org dok buang2 anak sana sini....its sickening.....its wrong and its embarassing to the outside world....
pelik kan isn't it....macam ada tak org rule the country pun tak tau., mcm jadi ntah apa2....org2 yg sepatutnya rule the country sebuk nak berpolitik tak abis2....society jadi ntah apa2....yg jadi mangsa sapa lagi kalau bukan the society, the same teenagers yg sepatutnya menjadi the future leaders of the country. aiyoooo pening pening.....ok la malas nak pikir tapi tolong la cepat2kan sikit find solutions to this problem kay....dah terlalu serius.....
ok la jumpe lagi next time....c ya....
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