this is my first entry in this blog....dah lama nak buat blog macam ni where i can just say things that i dont really understand....things i dont like to see happening....things that i wish could be changed.
ok lar its not like ada ramai orang nak baca pun. so lets go straight to the point - isu hari ini.
just watched Buletin Utama tadi. ada satu berita tu yg buat minda ini tertanya2. its about Bukit Beruntung, Rawang punya isu, ala pasal rumah2 flat / apartment kat sana tu....kan flat2 dah jadi mcm teruk giler....sebab apa ntah, most probably pasal bad maintenance kot, im not so sure...
anyway, the issue is not so much pasal flat2 tu....dah korang tak jaga, rosak la....rumah mmg la kena jaga, kalau tak jaga, rosak la kan....the issue is kenapa government sebuk2 nak pi bantu ek. i mean its a good thing kerajaan pi spend duit baiki rumah2 tu tapi give me a break, it's not their job. ini bukan responsibility kerajaan untuk baiki rumah2 yg rosak....i just dont get it.
if someone could just enlighten me a bit on this issue....i mean, rumah2 tu bukan rumah kerajaan pun. kenapa pulak kerajaan yg kena tanggung....then lepas ni kalau kat mana2 ada flat, apartment, rumah2 kat malaysia ni yg rosak ker apa.....ha panggil la kerajaan pi repair.... macam serius tak masuk akal.....
even from economic point of view pun, the government cannot just throw money like order for the money to grow, the money needs to roll.....and in this case, the money will not roll, its dead end. abis macam tu jer.... the money should be spent for development i.e. infrastructure ker, buat hospital, sekolah, jambatan ker whatever la for the rakyat.....
anyway....malas nak cakap banyak but seriously i am worried that the government is becoming a socialist one....lately banyak sangat examples benda2 yg government buat, mcm too desperate for publicity. terlampau sangat nak gain publicity from the people, they just spend spend and spend, trying to show that they care about the welfare of the people....but not like this yer.... this is a waste of the country's resources....
ok enuf for today....esok sambung kalau ada isu menarik....c ya.
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