Thursday, April 29, 2010

astro.....B.yond la sangat!!!


jot got this brochure from Astro in my mail box....pasal Astro B.yond yg tgh hebat dok promosi tu la apa lagi....kononnya this Astro B.yond ni is high definition ke apa ntah....richer colours, picture perfect clarity and surround sound...GITU! lagi cantik la kot, ala2 mcm tgk 3D la mcm tu... amboi hebat sungguh promosi na.....

one thing la pasal astro ni yg aku sgt2 tak berkenan. kita bayar punya la mahal. aku rasa dah ramai gila org kat msia ni yg subscribe Astro ni....kira kalau takde Astro tu mcm ketinggalan zaman la kot. org2 yg tinggal kat bandar mostly mmg ada Astro....tapi with all this duit yg depa dok collect dari kita ni, still kualiti Astro mcm hampeh....time ujan jer, NO SERVICES!!!

ha macam mana tu....biar la ko buat high definition ke apa sekalipun, kalau time ujan still tak dapat signal, then baik tak payah....kat msia ni, ujan tak kira masa. kadang2 tu ari2 ujan. give up la kan bayar mahal2 tapi tak dapat good services. lain la kalau bila ujan tu and tak dapat signal, boleh dapat diskaun kat bil....kata la every time ujan tak dapat signal tu, ha minus 10% dari bil. ha macam tu baru la ok kan.....

mentang2 la Astro ni takde competitor, takde saingan...sesuka ati jer boleh bodoh2 kan customer kan....i wish we have other service providers besides Astro, dulu kita ada gak kan choices tapi diorang dah gulung tikar la pulak.....and now i heard TM pun nak buat cable tv gak. ha bagus sgt2, kasi lawan sama itu Astro. mmg aku tunggu sgt2 TM nyer cable tv ni, kalau worth it, mmg aku kensel terus Astro and amik TM....UNIFI ke apa nama ntah....

ok la...tu jer rintihan kalbu untuk kali ni huhu....

c ya.

politics and politicians.....


takmo cakap banyak pasal keje sendiri pun tak siap2 lagi. but just terbaca this article kat thestar online pasal dua senator baru dilantik iaitu ezam and palanivel...

well well well....yg sorang tu kuar keadilan masuk umno pastu kutuk keadilan itu ini....dah ludah jilat balik....and yg sorang lagi setuju tak bertanding kat hulu selangor baru2 both dapat rewards jadi giler kan jadi politicians ni.....yg penting senang kena beli and mulut manis. boleh lompat sana sini....tak perlu ada prinsip pun, yg penting kalau buat ini, apa dapat...kalau buat itu, apa dapat.....

macam mana la org nak percaya ngan politicians kan.....i continue to believe that politics are dirty and politicians cannot be trusted....sama jer sumer nyer berkepentingan.....bosan!

c ya.....

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Polis tembak remaja 15 tahun.....who to blame?


gigih tak...second entry of the day....padahal keje sendiri tak siap2 lagi ni. bukan apa, just tgk news tadi and baca paper gak pasal benda ni. tu yg ada few things yg agak tak puas ati. before anything, let me copy paste some info of the incident from Bernama as follows:

SHAH ALAM, 26 April — Empat anggota peronda polis yang terbabit dalam kejadian tembak mati seorang remaja dipercayai anggota kumpulan samun awal pagi tadi di Seksyen 11 di sini ditukarkan ke tugasan pejabat berkuatkuasa serta merta. Dalam kejadian kira-kira pukul 2 pagi ini, seorang remaja lelaki berusia 15 tahun mati terkena tembakan polis manakala rakannya berjaya melarikan diri ketika terserempak dengan kereta peronda polis (MPV) di kawasan Seksyen 11 di sini.

Kejadian tembakan itu berlaku apabila remaja berkenaan enggan berhenti dan cuba melarikan diri selepas anggota peronda polis terserempak dengan suspek yang menaiki kereta jenis Proton Iswara dan berada dalam keadaan mencurigakan. Anggota polis terbabit melepaskan empat das tembakan ke arah tayar kereta suspek di mana satu daripadanya dipercayai terkena suspek.Hasil pemeriksaan terhadap kenderaan yang dinaiki suspek menemui sebilah parang dipercayai digunakan untuk kegiatan samun.

yg kat atas tu adalah kata2 dari pihak polis....well kira the official statement la. but from what we can see kat news tadi and of course bila kita pikir sendiri, guna otak kita ni....peles laaa....banyak sgt benda yg tak berapa kena dalam isu ni. nak terus tuduh2 tak boleh pulak but apa kata tulis fakta2 yg terlibat:

1. budak lelaki remaja tu umur 15 tahun, takde lesen kete....kalau aku la, bila ada roadblock, aku pun lari, tol tak...tapi perlu ke sampai nak tembak?
2. kata ada 2 org, tapi kenapa jumpa 1 parang jer ekkk.....
3. salah ke bawak parang dalam kete? ntah2 dia nak pegi berkebun ke...
4. kenapa polis perlu tembak? suspek takde, kalau suspek tak melawan, kenapa perlu tembak?
5. kalau betul tembak tayar, kenapa budak tu kena tembak kat kepala? (yg ni aku tak pasti)
6. kenapa tembak sampai 4 kali? takkan tak nampak kot budak yg bawak kete tu...
7. kenapa tak kejar? kenapa tembak?

ini antara persoalan2 yg bermain di fikiran....dalam keadaan apa sebenarnya yg membolehkan polis menembak suspek....adakah menembak suspek tu adalah langkah pertama yang diambil? kalau suspek tak bersenjata, perlu ke tembak? from what i can see here, polis2 yg menembak tu telah menyalahguna kuasa...nak try test power kot pi tembak2 orang...ingat ni kat US ke apa...sesuka ati nak tembak orang... anak orang tu yg ko tembak....

kita tunggu je la apa keputusan siasatan but aku tak yakin polis akan dedahkan kalau ada apa2 yg tak kena....apa2 pun, my condolences to the family of arwah yg kena tembak tu. al-fatihah.

c ya....

Monday, April 26, 2010

nafkah anak-anak ibu bapa yg bercerai.....


apabila berkahwin, semuanya indah semuanya seronok. kalau tak takkan la sampai digelar raja sehari dan diraikan dalam majlis perkahwinan yang gilang gemilang. awal-awal di dalam kehidupan berumahtangga, boleh kata ibarat honeymoon hari-hari. kalau sehari tak jumpa macam setahun lamanya merindu. most of the time dok dalam bilik tidur, kalau boleh tak nak kuar2, taknak pi kerja. ha itulah indahnya alam perkahwinan....well, allow me to correct, bukan alam perkahwinan tapi pada awal-awal perkahwinan yer....

masa mula2 kahwin biasa la, sumer nyer indah kan....normal la tu...abis je bulan madu and masuk bulan ke-5, dah rasa lain macam. asyik nak bergaduh jer....ada jer benda yang tak kena. ha time tu baru la masing2 'tunjuk belang'....orang kata "show their true colours". most people say that the first two years of the marriage is the most difficult period. kata orang lar....tak tau la betul ke tak. sebab time tu la masing2 baru nak kenal the real hati budi org yg kita kawin tu. ye la time bercinta memang la sumer nyer manis. nampak yg elok2 jer. kentut pun wangi agaknye. ha bila dah kawin, kena dok serumah makan tido sekali, ha baru ko tau indah ke tak. baru la tau "isk tido berdengkur rupanya"..."isk tak reti masak rupanya"....ha caner tu.....

anyway, panjang pulak introduction ni. sebenarnya nak cakap pasal perceraian and more precisely pasal nasib and nafkah anak-anak kepada ibubapa yg bercerai ni. well kalau dah tak serasi and dah cuba sedaya upaya utk mempertahankan perkahwinan, kalau tak ok jugak nak buat caner kan. nak paksa2 pun takleh gak. dah tak suka and dah tak sayang, macam mana nak dok serumah lagi. most people say kena berkorban utk anak2, well it's easy to say lar...cakap memang senang. kalau dah tak suka and in fact worse kalau dah benci, mcm mana nak dok serumah and apatah lagi kalau kena tido sekatil, isk isk i have to say it is not easy ok. silap2 boleh jadi gila kot....

so kalau dah tak boleh nak hidup bersama tu, berpisah la cara baik. anggap la jodoh tak panjang. tak perlu la nak gaduh2 ke apa. tambah plak kalau ada anak-anak bersama, of course akan kena berjumpa lagi dan berhubung demi anak2 pasal mcm2 benda....hal sekolah la, hal kesihatan, hal perkahwinan, hal masa depan anak2 dan mcm2 lar......hubungan suami isteri tu mmg la boleh putus kan, tapi hubungan anak-anak dengan mak dan ayah tak akan putus. so untuk memudahkan urusan2 begini la, ibu bapa yang bercerai perlu bersikap professional. tak perlu ada rasa dendam ke apa, ataupun hasad dengki ke....dah takde jodoh kan nak buat mcm mana.....yg penting now is masa depan anak-anak tu....pasal tempat tinggal diorang, persekolahan, kebajikan, kesihatan.... isk isk macam2 lagi la....

seringkali kita dengar rungutan bekas2 isteri yang telah diceraikan tentang perihal bapa yang tidak memberi nafkah kepada anak-anak.....most of the times, ibu yang akan menjaga anak2 selepas bercerai. bapa diarahkan oleh Mahkamah Syariah untuk memberi nafkah belanja untuk anak2. tapi malangnya kes bapa yang tidak memberi nafkah untuk anak2 mmg sgt banyak. mcm dah jadi lumrah pulak si ibu yg akan bersusah payah mencari duit untuk membesarkan anak2 sedangkan bapa tak ambil peduli and even worse kawin lain, dapat anak lain dan tak ambil tahu langsung perihal kebajikan anak2 dengan isteri lama.

kita tahu bahawa adalah menjadi satu kewajipan kepada si ayah untuk memberi nafkah kepada anak2. refer la kepada mana2 undang2 syariah sekalipun, refer la kepada ayat al-quran sekalipun, akan tetap menyatakan bahawa seorang bapa wajib memberi nafkah kepada anak2 nya. seksyen 73 enakmen undang2 keluarga islam (negeri selangor) memperuntukan bahawa adalah menjadi kewajipan seorang lelaki menanggung nafkah anaknya, samada anak itu dibawah jagaannya atau dalam jagaan seseorang yang lain dengan mengadakan bagi mereka tempat tinggal, pakaian, makanan, perubatan dan pelajaran yang munasabah memandang kepada kemampuan dan taraf kehidupannya.

yang menjadi persoalan di sini ialah kenapa banyak sgt kes2 bapa yang tidak ambil peduli ttg nafkah anak2....kita kata ada undang2 itu ini tentang hal ini, tapi kenapa bapa2 yg tak bayar nafkah anak2 ni boleh buat sesuka hati je....boleh terlepas begitu sahaja....kalau betul ada undang2, maknanya orang yg tidak respect undang2 ni sepatutnya boleh diambil tindakan. tapi hakikatnya mmg terlalu ramai ibu tunggal di luar sana yang membesarkan anak2 sendiri tanpa nafkah dan bantuan dari bekas suami. kenapa benda ni boleh berlaku. kenapa kita tidak tegas tentang perkara ini. minta si bapa bagi nafkah kat anak2 ni dah macam kena minta sedekah la pulak....padahal mmg tanggungjawab dia...

i mean we cannot take this issue for granted because the implication is very big to the society. and yg menjadi mangsanya ialah ibu2 tunggal dan anak2 pasangan bercerai. we are actually giving the green light for men to do whatever they like because the law is not there to punish them if they do wrong. they can go on and pretend they are not responsible for their children and the law will not do anything against them. if they say they don't have money utk bayar nafkah anak2, then lepas mcm tu jer.....frankly speaking this is just ridiculous. sepatutnya pihak berkuasa kena lebih tegas dan berlaku adil kepada semua pihak. bapa2 tak boleh bebas tak bayar nafkah anak2 selepas bercerai. nak besarkan anak2 memerlukan belanja yang besar....kesian kepada ibu2 tunggal yg terpaksa membesarkan anak2 sendiri dan kesian juga kepada nasib anak2 yang hak mereka tidak dibela ini.

tapi macam mana kita nak make sure supaya bapa2 tidak lari daripada tanggungjawab mereka memberi nafkah ni. bagi nafkah untuk membesarkan anak2 ni sepatutnya la satu benda yang normal, yg tak perlu nak paksa2. golongan bapa sepatutnya kena ada rasa tanggungjawab untuk memberi nafkah kepada anak2....mcm pelik la pulak nak kena paksa2. pandai buat anak, pandai la jaga dan besarkan ye.....sepatutnya kita kena lebih tegas dalam hal ini. kalau perlu tindakan undang2 or perlu masukkan diorang ni dalam penjara, well i say go ahead. takpun ketatkan syarat untuk diorang ni kawin lain. ye la, kawin lain mampu pulak, bayar nafkah anak takde duit pulak, mcm mana tu....biar kita bagi pengajaran kepada golongan bapa2 yg tidak bertanggungjawab di luar sana tu supaya jangan buat sesuka hati. because we are being too kind sebab tu la hal ini semakin berleluasa dan bapa2 yg tidak bertanggungjawab ni boleh buat sesuka hati.

kalau nak ikutkan, ada banyak benda nak cakap pasal undang-undang syariah ni. mmg la satu fakta yg tidak dapat dinafikan.....golongan wanita sering teraniaya dan tidak terbela. too sad. the syariah law is too bias towards men. sering menyebelahi lelaki. well, its not a surprise since yg membuat undang2 syariah ni pun golongan lelaki no wonder la kan. but i think things are getting better now. we are seeing improvement in syariah laws towards taking into account the welfare of the wives and children....tapi tak semua negeri la....yg tgk ada perubahan kepada membela nasib wanita adalah undang2 syariah di negeri selangor....di kebanyakan negeri lain masih lagi di takut lama....entah bila akan berubah pun tak tau la....

so itu lah isu hari ini....nafkah anak2 kepada ibu bapa yg bercerai....kalau nak ikut syariah law mmg la mcm nothing much could be done....i wonder samada org islam boleh ikut undang2 civil. is my wish that the authorities be more strict on this issue...i pray for that to happen. ok la...that is all for this time...

c ya....

Thursday, April 22, 2010

KRU - a fine example....


just watched the trailers of Magika and Merong Mahawangsa....the two latest movies from KRU production....i have to say that i am very proud of them....KRU is giving a fine example to the other movie producers out there in Malaysia.....that these are the kind of quality movies that should be made....frankly speaking, i cant wait to go to cinema to watch the movies....and if its worth the money, i wont hesitate to go watch them twice, just to support Malaysian movie industry....sorry la but if its not us, who else to support our industry rite.....

all this while, we have been served with very bad quality of movies...i dont know why but i think producers out there like David Teo, Prof. Muhyiddin, we had Yusof Haslam also in the same category....these are profit oriented producers who only think about money.....and they come out with all these stupid movies and become rich in the process....they are making fool of the audience and since we dont have other choices, malay moviegoers watch their movies....dah mcm terlampau banyak sgt movies yg mcm ni and the latest in the row is David Teo punya movie Semerah Cinta Stilleto ke apa nama.....aiyoooo apa niiiiii......macam mana la kita nak berbangga dengan movies kita sendiri.......

boleh tak ada at least a little bit of quality and art in your movies....jgn la terlampau buat ala kadar, buat skrip and jalan citer bodoh just sekadar nak kuar kat wayang and kutip duit.... nak buat filem bagus2, kena la invest my dear....tak invest, mcm mana nak dapat quality.... there is one way for us to stop these producers yg solely profit oriented utk continue making bad movies and continue making fool of us and continue jadi kaya....STOP tgk their movies.....jgn pi lagik dah tgk movies diorang tu.....ha biar diorang rasa, biar investment diorang jadi rugi.....time tu baru la dia terpikir that consumer do have choices...u give us quality first, then we buy ur product....put that in ur brain ok! stop making fool of the consumers....enuf is enuf.....

it is very unfortunate that quality and talented people like P.Ramlee and Yasmin Ahmad were taken away from us too fast....i mean ntah lar...its kinda written already that gifted people always go early....these are movie makers yg mmg jarang2 kita ada, yg menghasilkan movies yg berkualiti dan diiktiraf di peringkat antarabangsa.....citer2 P.Ramlee sampai la ni org tak jemu2 tgk kan....and saper tak kenal Yasmin Ahmad dgn all her provokasi and international awards yg dia dapat....ha ini baru org2 yg berjiwa seni...kita nampak melalui hasil mereka....if only they had more time, im sure byk lagi benda2 magik yg diorang akan buat....well what to do....

back to KRU....mmg dari awal kemunculan mereka as the trio rappers telah mencipta fenomena dalam dunia seni....i have been watching and following their developments....mmg pada awalnya mcm tertanya2 gak how come these 3 beradik yg study tinggi2 tapi jadi artis....emmm but when they start building KRU into a business entity, then i, they are targeting very high and i like that!....and since i am a moviegoer and watch movies a lot, it is more than a pleasure to see them getting involve in the movie industry....their first movie Cicakman was a huge hit....the sequel was not as good but they have confirmed their position in the local movie industry....they are showing and giving examples to other movie makers in Malaysia that we too can make good and quality movies....just put ur heart and soul into it.....

to KRU, tq for ur passion in our industry......tq for what u r doing....i love what u guys are doing and u have my full support....i believe that u guys can go very far....just continue doing what u r doing....KRU phenomena will live for more years to come. show us and others out there that Malaysia boleh!

c ya...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kakitangan Awam - too many?


kali ni nak cakap pasal kakitangan awam or government servants atau dalam bahasa yg lebih indah civil service. bukan nak cakap pasal kualiti perkhidmatan kakitangan kerajaan coz rasanya of course la people already have such a negative opinion about them. so kalau kita nak cakap apa pun, the mindset is already that kakitangan awam = bad services. so, takleh nak kata apa. even though i have to admit that the public only sees what they can see, i mean the public only deals with the services yg kat kaunter2 its kinda unfair to make a general statement about the public sector. even kalau kita citer yg government officers kena stay up late kat office sampai tgh mlm buat paperworks pun org tak biar lar....

anyway, that is not the point of today's write up.....hari ni nak cakap pasal jumlah kakitangan awam. ada terbaca artikel baru2 ni where KSN mengatakan bahawa jumlah kakitangan awam sekarang ni adalah lebih kurang 1.2 juta....fuyoooo giler ramai tuuuu......for such a small country like ours ni yg mempunyai 27 juta org penduduk, more than sejuta keje ngan gomen....tapi unfair la pulak kan terus nak judge kata ramai....kena la buat study search la kat internet, then i found this article kat blog MerdekaReview. this is the article -

allow me to pick some quotations from the article. Untuk negara kita yang mempunyai populasi seramai 27 juta orang, jumlah kakitangan kerajaan sebegini adalah bersamaan 10% daripada populasi pekerja (Malaysia mencatat populasi pekerja sejumlah 12 juta orang). Ini bermakna daripada 10 orang warga Malaysia yang bekerja, seorang daripadanya bekerja di sektor awam. Juga dalam erti kata lain, di Malaysia ini, seseorang kakitangan kerajaan berkhidmat untuk 27 orang awam.

Menurut statistik yang dipetik oleh ahli parlimen Bukit Bendera, Liew Chin Tong, bilangan kakitangan kerajaan bertambah dari 894,788 orang pada tahun 2000 kepada 1.2 juta orang pada tahun 2008. Ini bermakna, kakitangan kerajaan telah bertambah sebanyak 300 ribu orang, dalam tempoh lapan tahun sahaja. Angka ini bersamaan dengan pertambahan 38,151 orang setiap tahun, atau 104 orang setiap hari. Sekiranya dihitung berdasarkan waktu kerja, jabatan kerajaan telah menemuramah dan mengupah enam orang kakitangan kerajaan setiap jam, sejak tahun 2000.

So, angka2 yg disebutkan ni macam terlalu besar kan. Padahal kita tengok Kerajaan sebuk la dok promote paperless government, projek digital itu ini, e-government lar, mykad lar...bukan ker with all this science and technology, sepatutnya kita makin kurang memerlukan sumber tenaga manusia. Tapi apa yg kita lihat ni, semakin ramai la pulak yg diambil masuk ke dalam civil service. Tak ke pelik tu. So macam mana kita nak paham apa sebenarnya yg berlaku. Some say that ini semua adalah permainan politik, sebab siapa yg keje ngan gomen ni of course masa elections akan vote utk BN. Thats why kita tengok bila nak general elections la baru kakitangan awam dapat sebulan bonus. Kalau tak, jangan harap.

Kalau nak cakap pasal isu ni dengan panjang lebar boleh sangat. Coz ada banyak isu lain actually yang terlibat. Antaranya ialah civil service dijadikan sebagai dumping ground utk graduan2 universiti yg tidak berkualiti. Yer lar yg grade dari Universiti punya la ramai tapi takde keje sebab nak keje kat private tak laku. So terpaksa la gomen ambik. At the end of the day, masuk gomen sah2 la kualiti perkhidmatan gomen jatuh since diorang ni mmg dari awal tak elok kualiti nya.

Then ada pulak isu pasal yg keje gomen mostly are MELAYU.....ha kenapa tu, kena pikir tu isk kena pikir dari pelbagai aspek seperti semangat 1Malaysia tu sendiri dalam perkhidmatan awam, aspek kualiti perkhidmatan, keselamatan negara as other races mcm not bother about the country's future etc. Isu lain pulak ialah royalti dari Petronas yg berjumlah billion2 tu yg memberi govt the financial capability utk employ so many people. Tapi utk short term jer lar, long term mmg la teruk nanti coz banyak sgt implikasi i.e. pencen, naik pangkat, kualiti, bonus, gaji etc etc. Isk isk macam2 isu lagi la malas nak pikir....

Whatever it is, the government has to be wise in this area and should think of long term effects that the huge civil service will have on the economy of the country as a whole. A thorough study should be carried out to find out what is actually the ideal size of civil service that Malaysia needs. If in order to be efficient and productive, Malaysia needs only 500,000 kakitangan awam, then u have to start find ways to get rid of people from now. And if the government really needs this 1.2 million employees (which i highly doubt), then prove it through better public services to the people and continuous development of the economy. Then barulah the public tak kesah baper org keje ngan gomen pun asalkan kualiti perkhidmatan tip top.

So that would be all for today. Dah panjang sgt rasa hihi....

C ya.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pesara tentera to become guru disiplin...


I have had this thought in my head for a very long time. This is concerning the social illness affecting the youth in our country. Problems such as lepak, gangsterisme, ponteng, sex rambang, and all sorts of diseases have made me afraid about the future of our society. We are talking about teenagers who are supposed to be our hope for the future, to lead the country. But with all these challenges, seriously I have doubts and I think I have all the reasons to have doubts.

I did mention pasal isu masalah disiplin remaja ni a few days ago, especially on the buang bayi issue. Honestly, with all the challenges of today spurred by the technology i.e. internet, handphones, televisyen; i have to wonder what can be done to save our children. This rise of problems relating to youth can be explained by the lack of discipline of teenagers. Let's be honest, things have changed a lot, it was not like before where teachers had the privilege to 'rotan' the students in order to discipline them. Now, try to do that, and teachers will end up in courts. Nowadays parents have become too complacent with their children to the point of spoiling them.

So, I had this idea about Guru Disiplin at Sekolah Menengah to be given more role and responsibility to educate and discipline our teenagers. Why Sekolah Menengah and not Sekolah Rendah, it is just that during this Sekolah Menengah age that teenagers are more vulnerable, fragile and are exposed to all sorts of temptations. However, it seems that schools are lacking in male teachers. Female teachers by far outnumber the male teachers. And there was this issue about male teachers are mostly 'lelaki lembut'. So forget about being Guru Disiplin. This brings me to this idea to bring Retired Military into Sekolah Menengah as Guru Disiplin.

I have not done my research yet on this, but kalau tak silap, military men are retiring from the army after 13 years of service, which means they would be in their late 30s. The army has spent a huge amount of money to train the military about discipline, i think it would be a waste not to use this talent. Why don't we bring them into schools and educate our teenagers, about moral and akhlak especially discipline. By doing this, we could also solve the problems of high unemployment among the retired armies.

This issue needs further study but the issue at hand is very crucial and serious. If we do not act now, I do not know what will happen to our teenagers. I have already written to PM, TPM, Minister of Education, Minister of Defence, Minister of Interior as well as to KSN. I hope this idea of bringing Retired Military into Sekolah Menengah as Guru Disiplin can be taken seriously.

C ya.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Entertainment.....wayyy too much!!!


second entry of the day huhu....bukan apa coz ada something very interesting ....i just watched mentor on tv3....and i was stunned by this one little girl who was so fond of mas idayu and wanted so much to become a singer....i believe she is maybe not more than 12 years old... she was accompanied by her pakcik apparently....and the pakcik was more eager than the girl for her to be an artist....

this is actually a shock to can an adult in his 40s be pushing and make a little girl believe that she's got talent (trust me she does not) and that she should become a singer.... the pakcik should ask her to focus on her studies, for a young girl like her.....this pakcik should be jailed! my view, people in our country have become too exposed to entertainment especially reality shows on television....they believe that too success in life, one has to become a singer, actor or whatever la asalkan famous....boleh jadi glamer and buat duit byk..... my god, our minds have been so corrupted.....

seriously larrrr......the authorities should aware that the television is a very powerful tool to influence the people....and if it is wrongly used, it can send the wrong message.....and the fact that we have been showing all kinds of reality shows on our television be it Akademi Fantasia, American Idol, One in a Million, Mentor and there are even such shows for the kids....that is enough to tell how our society have become too addicted to wonder la sumer orang nak jadi penyanyi nak jadi artis.....we can't blindly blame them, rite....

i agree with wardina who once said that artists are not role model for the society...other artists were mad at her....but i actually second her opinion....tengok la lately dalam paper stori2 pasal artis....benjy yg katanya buat dadah dalam apartment dia, dgn badrul muhayat yg pukul bini, then u have also shidee yg kutuk ibu tunggal, penyanyi spring ameng tu ugut ex wife ke apa ntah or tak bayar nafkah anak.....isk banyak lagi la....tak campur lagi dgn kes2 artis yg isap dadah i.e. jamal abdillah, saleem, and ramai lagi.....

i mean tak cukup bukti lagi ker ek....
terang2 la artis and entertainment bukan masa depan utk remaja and the teenagers kita ni.... we should encourage them to be successful in their studies, jadi engineers, doctors, businessmen.... bukannya jadi artis....and as i said, the television is a strong and efficient tool to influence the people, well use that....instead of rancangan2 berbentuk entertainment yg mmg takde kualiti tu, perbanyakkan lar show2 yg berilmiah sket.....jadikan la interesting supaya tak la boring sgt.... to educate the people is a responsibility that the government should start looking at....

ada banyak lagi nak cakap pasal all this reality shows and artis2 malaysia ni....tapi nantila bila free....tulis pjg2 pun mcm la ada org nak baca hihi....ok til next time....

c ya....

Saturday, April 17, 2010

sex's long overdue!!!


baru sat ni baca one article kat thestar online pasal "creating awareness on sex"....ada one talk on sex awareness campaign was held by HELP communications students.....i would like to applaud such fact, i would like to call for more awareness campaigns on sex....i think this is very important especially in light of all the 'babies dumping' cases that have 'strangely' become the norm in our society....

let's face it....we do not want to talk about sex because we feel that the issue is taboo and we should not talk about it openly....but whether we like it or not, people are having sex out there, in particular the teenagers who don't really understand sex, what is right or wrong.... so following their wild hormones and influenced by all the sex stuffs freely available on the internet, they will do sex at their own risk and way....kalau tak percaya, pegi la buat poll kat luar tu tgk baper ramai teenagers yg masih lagi virgin....don't get surprise i can bet u that our teenagers dah sexually active once they reach 15 years old....

so why don't we at least tell them what is right and wrong when it comes to sex....we should explain about safe sex, about pregnancy, about HIV, about STD, etc etc etc.... and of course, in doing this, we should also include the religious views especially about sex outside marriage and sex abstinence......

im not sure about other countries tapi rasa mcm jarang dengar pasal buang2 bayi ni kat negara lain....tapi kan org2 yg buang baby ni tak rasa apa2 ke ek....tak kesian ker....kalau taknak baby, ha pakai la kondom ker makan pil ker apa....tak pun gugurkan jer ker...jgn la sampai jadi baby.....takpun jgn main langsung, tunggu kawin dulu....tak takot dosa ker isk.... baby ni tanggungjawab, bukan boleh nak buang2 mcm tu jer.... i am so worried that this buang baby thing is becoming an accepted thing in our country.....gosh that is scary!

anyway, i would like to quote Mr. Franz Joseph von Hofter, lecturer from HELP institute who said "Repressed sexuality tends to build up and manifests as social ills in society..."....i totally second this.....our society in particular the teenagers are being served and exposed to all kind of sex contents over the television, internet and so on......of course they will get influenced and horny and would want to try.....but at the same time, our religion and society forbid sex before marriage, so there is thing confusion and dilemma....we see sex everywhere, but we cannot do how weird is that?.....

i mean seriously the authorities have got to do something about this....kalau betul2 taknak org buat sex, then stop making sex easily accessible to the public....kalau tak kesah org buat sex, then do it correctly, bagi explanation, sex education and so taklah sampai org dok buang2 anak sana sini....its sickening.....its wrong and its embarassing to the outside world....

pelik kan isn't it....macam ada tak org rule the country pun tak tau., mcm jadi ntah apa2....org2 yg sepatutnya rule the country sebuk nak berpolitik tak abis2....society jadi ntah apa2....yg jadi mangsa sapa lagi kalau bukan the society, the same teenagers yg sepatutnya menjadi the future leaders of the country. aiyoooo pening pening.....ok la malas nak pikir tapi tolong la cepat2kan sikit find solutions to this problem kay....dah terlalu serius.....

ok la jumpe lagi next time....c ya....

Friday, April 16, 2010

By-Elections.....wayyyy too many!


kali ni nak sentuh pasal politik pulak.....and of course, isu politik yang paling diperkatakan sekarang iaitu the by-election of Hulu Selangor, which will be held on 25 April 2010. and as we can see, all the media are talking about this non stop. nak tengok berita la ni pun macam boring jer, tak abis2 ngan isu politik....dok kutuk orang tu, dok puji orang ni....letih larrr....

yeah thats the thing....LETIH!...i am seriously tired with all this politics....tak abis2 since the 2008 general elections. dengan isu perak dulu tu la, then dengan by-elections yg tak eloooo masa bila diorang ni buat keje pun aku tak tau....dok berpolitik jer manjang....udah2 la tu pi la buat keje....

and u want to know what....well, it is not over yet, the by-election in Hulu Selangor is not yet finished, we just learn that there will be another by-election, this time its Sibu. the MP Robert Lau died also of cancer on 9 april. it will be the 11th by-election since the general elections. well, im sorry that he's dead but election again???

i know that it is within the constitution......that when a post is vacant, then we need to do a by-election in order to fill in the post....but that is not my concern, i do understand that. my concern is that there are too much of politics and too many elections.... its like we are having elections all year long....non-stop. tambah lagi ngan isu2 dalaman of all the political parties i.e. MCA, MIC, PKR, UMNO, etc etc etc... seriously, its tiring kay....

i mean there should be a way for us to avoid having this too frequent by-elections....i think one of the solutions would be to have healthy candidates...that is one solution! ni dok amik orang2 yg dah berumur yg menunggu masa jer....peles la...arent they supposed to take medical check up first before bertanding. kalau tak sihat, then sepatutnya they are not fit to represent the people, isnt it....isnt that logic?

elections banyak2 sangat ni isk isk pembaziran la...membazirkan duit rakyat sgt2....not just money but also bazir time, energy ......the politicians shud spend their money, energy and time to represent the people and fight for the interests of the people....we want to see them gaduh "intellectually" kat parliament tu...then debate la pasal our future kat dewan rakyat dewan negara sumer tu to pass laws or whatever to improve our lives... ni dok berkempen sana sini tak abis2...letih larrrr...

ok larrr.....tak nak cakap banyak coz mmg dah byk sgt pun....tak pasal2 aku kena ISA nanti takkan la benda2 mcm ni pun nak kena ISA kot....aiyooo very the takde human rights....whatever it is, we shud find ways to limit all this nonsense by-elections becoz enuf is enuf....

ok lar...c ya...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

some topics...


here are some topics that i would like to touch on.....well, im just writing them down first, just in case terlupa plak nanti....

- education system: very wide subject and ada banyak areas nak cakap tapi yg attract my attention mcm the number of ipta/s kat msia, then the quality of graduates, school teachers female vs male, etc....

- teenagers: of course the issue is the social illness that is getting very serious....

- politics: not really my cup of tea but there are things to say, things that i dont like seeing....such as the way too many by-elections...., then also the quality of our representatives like give me a break, get urself a degree first can ahhhh.....

- transportation: i do have this wild idea about water taxi in KL but im not really sure whether it can be done....or maybe it is not a new idea huhu....well, we do have the nature but we are not taking advantage of our resources....but im telling u if we do have this water taxi, wow imagine how easy it is to commute around Klang Valley....

- quality of life: the country's economy has been booming but yet, the quality of life? has it been improving at the same rate....haaaa that is the question....we can be wealthy but if there is no quality, then there's no point rite....

cant think of anything yet....later lar....just these issues so far that cross my mind at the moment. will try to write about those issues more in detail when im free....

c ya....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Flat Bukit Beruntung, Rawang


this is my first entry in this blog....dah lama nak buat blog macam ni where i can just say things that i dont really understand....things i dont like to see happening....things that i wish could be changed.

ok lar its not like ada ramai orang nak baca pun. so lets go straight to the point - isu hari ini.

just watched Buletin Utama tadi. ada satu berita tu yg buat minda ini tertanya2. its about Bukit Beruntung, Rawang punya isu, ala pasal rumah2 flat / apartment kat sana tu....kan flat2 dah jadi mcm teruk giler....sebab apa ntah, most probably pasal bad maintenance kot, im not so sure...

anyway, the issue is not so much pasal flat2 tu....dah korang tak jaga, rosak la....rumah mmg la kena jaga, kalau tak jaga, rosak la kan....the issue is kenapa government sebuk2 nak pi bantu ek. i mean its a good thing kerajaan pi spend duit baiki rumah2 tu tapi give me a break, it's not their job. ini bukan responsibility kerajaan untuk baiki rumah2 yg rosak....i just dont get it.

if someone could just enlighten me a bit on this issue....i mean, rumah2 tu bukan rumah kerajaan pun. kenapa pulak kerajaan yg kena tanggung....then lepas ni kalau kat mana2 ada flat, apartment, rumah2 kat malaysia ni yg rosak ker apa.....ha panggil la kerajaan pi repair.... macam serius tak masuk akal.....

even from economic point of view pun, the government cannot just throw money like order for the money to grow, the money needs to roll.....and in this case, the money will not roll, its dead end. abis macam tu jer.... the money should be spent for development i.e. infrastructure ker, buat hospital, sekolah, jambatan ker whatever la for the rakyat.....

anyway....malas nak cakap banyak but seriously i am worried that the government is becoming a socialist one....lately banyak sangat examples benda2 yg government buat, mcm too desperate for publicity. terlampau sangat nak gain publicity from the people, they just spend spend and spend, trying to show that they care about the welfare of the people....but not like this yer.... this is a waste of the country's resources....

ok enuf for today....esok sambung kalau ada isu menarik....c ya.