It has been a while. Only now suddenly i feel the urge to write again. The controversy surrounding the SBPA issue is really pissing me off. I just had to say something, got to let out what i feel about all this nonsense.
Last sunday, mingguan malaysia stated a report which mentioned the request by some stupid politicians who asked ksn n kppa to resign. This is as a result of the alleged blunder caused by the sbpa. Emmm tell me something....would sbpa proceed if PM had said no? Of coz he knew about it from the very beginning. I just do not understand why people do not see this and simply put the blame on civil servants.
It is very unfortunate that nowadays in malaysia, everything is being politicised. We know that general election is just around the corner, but please, enuf la. Our gaji pun nak dipolitikkan. Too much. And the best part is suddenly the politicians become the Hero, apparently for saving the civil servants from sbpa. Give me a break! Who are we fooling i wish the civil service to wake up and stop these politicians from making us look like boneka. Today, "saya yang menurut perintah" has never been soooooo relevant.
Enuf la, nak tulis pun xde mood. X sabar nak tunggu elections. I am never as sure as i am now, about who i want to vote. Certainly not him.
Hasta la vista!